There are numerous energizers available in health food stores, but too many are herbal stimulants, offering a quick uplift with a long-term downside. These substances stimulate the adrenal response, often with negative effects, such as nervousness, increased stress, and eventual exhaustion. Stimulants mobilize energy, but add nothing of value to our bodies; on the contrary, they can rapidly lead to depletion of vitality.
Planetary Herbals Ginseng Revitalizer™ is based on a classic formula that has been in continued use since 1078 A.D. This dynamic combination is designed to support energy levels without the use of stimulants – for long-lasting vitality and well-being.
Ginseng Revitalizer is part of the Planetary Herbals line, which offers the best of classic herbal traditions, integrating formulas used continuously for literally hundreds or thousands of years with the latest findings of clinical, pharmacological research.
Ginseng: Botanical Adaptogen
Ginseng is a legendary tonifier first written about in the Sui Dynasty of China (580 – 601 A.D.). Besides being one of the most highly regarded energy tonics of Chinese herbalism, ginseng is classified as an adaptogen, which helps the body adapt to a variety of physical and psychological stresses.
The popular use of ginseng in the United States began because of its great reputation in Asia. However, ginseng is very seldom used by itself in Chinese health practices. In traditional Chinese herbalism it is combined with herbs considered to assist and augment its tonifying actions.